Clinical Applications of Electrolyte Analyzers

Electrolyte analyzers are used to measure anions or cations in body fluids, and are of great significance in disease diagnosis and detection in clinical medicine.

1. Potassium K (3.6-5.5mmol/L)

Potassium is the most important cation in intracellular fluid and plays an initial buffering role between cells. 90% of potassium ions are in cells. Damaged cells will release potassium ions into the blood. Potassium plays an important role in nerve conduction, muscle function, and maintenance of acid-base Plays an important role in balance and osmotic pressure. High potassium values appear in oliguria, anemia, voiding disorders, renal insufficiency caused by nephritis or shock, metabolic or respiratory acidosis, with H ion and K ion exchange Renal acidosis, and hemolysis. Hypokalemia is often an excessive loss of potassium, commonly seen in: diarrhea or vomiting, insufficient potassium intake, malabsorption, severe burns, and increased aldosterone secretion. The level of potassium will affect Causes stress changes in muscles, changes in respiration, and changes in myocardial function. Obtaining potassium values is often used to monitor electrolyte balance in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as clinical injections, shock, cardiac or circulatory insufficiency, and acid-base balance. , daily therapy for various kidney diseases, diarrhea, adrenocortical excess and deficiency, and other conditions involving electrolyte balance.

Increased levels are seen in renal failure, adrenal insufficiency, shock, tissue crushing injury, hypoaldosteronemia, severe hemolysis, excessive oral or injected potassium-containing fluids, etc.;

Reduction is seen in hyperadrenocorticism, severe vomiting, diarrhea, taking diuretics and insulin, barium salt poisoning, metabolic alkalosis, low potassium diet, etc.

2. Sodium (135-145mmol/L)

Sodium is the most important cation in extracellular fluid. Its main function for the human body is to maintain osmotic pressure and acid-base balance through chemical effects and to transmit nerve impulses. The function of sodium ions is to regulate the potential difference inside and outside the cell membrane to maintain neuron excitation conduction. .Sodium also participates in some enzyme-catalyzed reactions as a factor. The human body always maintains a basic balance, and even subtle changes in pathological conditions will be detected. Low sodium value is hyponatremia, which usually reflects the excess of body fluid relative to the total amount of sodium in the body. Sodium level The decrease is associated with: low sodium influx; sodium loss due to vomiting or diarrhea, inadequate daily use of adequate fluids and insufficient salt, improper daily use, or salt-deficient nephropathy; osmotic polyuria, metabolic acidosis; Adrenocortical insufficiency; congenital adrenal hyperplasia; dilution due to edema, cardiac insufficiency, liver insufficiency, hypothyroidism. High sodium value is the loss of water in excess of salt loss, such as profuse sweating, hyperpnea, strenuous Vomiting or diarrhea, diabetes or diabetic acidosis; increased renal sodium storage due to aldosteronism, CUSHING syndrome; insufficient water intake due to coma or central disease; dehydration; or excessive alkaline therapy. Obtaining a sodium value is often used for diagnosis Or detect the following: all water balance disorders, clinical injections, vomiting, diarrhea, burns, cardiac and hepatic insufficiency, central or nephrogenic diabetes, endocrine disorders and primary or secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, or other Diseases involving electrolyte balance.

Increased blood pressure is seen in anterior pituitary tumors, hyperadrenocorticism, severe dehydration, central diabetes insipidus, excessive input of sodium salt solutions, brain trauma, cerebrovascular accidents, etc.

Reduction is seen in diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, excessive loss of digestive juices (such as vomiting, diarrhea), severe pyelonephritis, severe damage to the renal tubules, heavy sweating with diuretics, large area burns, polyuria stage of uremia, etc.

3. Chlorine Cl (96~108mmol/L)

Chlorine is the most important anion present outside cells. It affects the osmotic pressure of cells. It also plays an important role in monitoring acid-base balance and water balance. In metabolic acidosis, when the bicarbonate concentration decreases Chloride levels will rise in the opposite direction. Decreased chloride occurs in severe vomiting, severe diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, pyloric obstruction, severe burns, heat stroke, diabetic acidosis, Addison’s disease, fever, and acute infections such as pneumonia. , etc. A rise in chloride occurs in dehydration, Cushing’s syndrome, hyperventilation, convulsions, anemia, cardiac insufficiency, etc. Ionized calcium Calcium in the blood as free calcium ions (50%) in proteins, mostly albumin (40% ) and 10% are limited to anions such as carbonation, phosphate and lactation. However, only ionized calcium can be used in the body for important processes such as muscle contraction, heart function, transmitting nerve impulses and blood clotting. The AVL 9180 analyzer measures the ionized portion of total calcium. For diagnostics such as pancreatitis and hyperparathyroidism, ionized calcium is a better indicator than total calcium.

The increase is more common in excessive chloride intake, renal failure and oliguric phase, hyperventilation, alkalosis, urinary tract obstruction, etc.

Reduction is more common in dilutional hyponatremia, long-term use of diuretics, dehydrating agents, severe diabetes, severe vomiting or diarrhea, renal failure and polyuria, etc.

electrolyte analyzer

4. Calcium (infants 2.5~3.0mmol/L, adults 2.1~2.55mmol/L)

Hypercalcemia can have a variety of adverse manifestations, and calcium value measurements can be used as markers by biochemists. Usually, when detecting malignant tumors, ionized calcium or total calcium have the same effect, and ionized calcium may be more sensitive. .Hypercalcemia often occurs in critical patients with abnormal acid-base regulation and protein/albumin loss. The calcium status can be monitored clearly and effectively by detecting ionized calcium. Renal patients with renal glomus disease usually cause calcium, Abnormal concentrations of phosphate, albumin, magnesium ions, and pH. Because these conditions alter the independence of ionized calcium from total calcium, monitoring ionized calcium becomes the method of choice for accurate monitoring of calcium status in patients with renal disease. Ionized calcium It is important for the diagnosis or monitoring of: hypertension control, parathyroid glands, kidney disease, insufficient calcium intake, vitamin monitoring, dialysis patients, cancer, pancreatic disease, diuretic effect, nutritional disorders, kidney stones, multiple myxoma disease, diabetes, etc.

Increased: Hyperparathyroidism (hyperplasia, adenoma, adenocarcinoma, tertiary), multiple myeloma, acute osteolytic lesions, bone tumors, uremia, Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, acral Hypertrophy, vitamin D poisoning, non-osteolytic malignant tumors, idiopathic hypercalcemia, etc.

Reduce: hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, infantile tetany, renal failure, lipodysentery, acute pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice, long-term fasting, intravenous hypernutrient therapy, etc.

electrolyte analyzer

5. Urine electrolytes

Electrolytes exist in the human body, are also taken in from daily food, and are excreted into the urine through the kidney system. This is a natural cycle. Detecting electrolytes in the excreta and urine can help understand the condition of the kidneys and other important pathological conditions. Information. Testing can be done from any urine sample or from a 24-hour collection of urine samples for quantitative testing. The amount of electrolyte excreted per day can be obtained by measuring the increase in excretion concentration in the urine over the day.

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CNMEDITECH is dedicated to the long-term research of the electrolyte analyzer market. Our mission is “People oriented and win-win strategy,Matching the real needs of the region with a focus on human health,To be the world’s first-class medical field solution expert”. We have been manufacturing high-quality medical device products for more than ten years.

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